Decision Makers

Chief Operating Officer
They oversee business operations of the company and ensure that its operational and financial procedures are correct. E-mail: j****, Phone: (***) ***-9482 is available on Connexy.
President And Chief Executive Officer
They are responsible for developing business plans, overseeing day-to-day operations, improving performance, developing organizational culture, supervising department heads, reporting revenue, and directing corporate strategy. E-mail: d****, Phone: (***) ***-1800 is available on Connexy.

Company Details

Last Update
Jul 14, 2022
Doing business as
Amida Care Inc
248 W 35Th St, New York, NY 10001
248 W 35 St, New York, NY 10001
(***) ***-1800
(***) ***-9482
Help Supply Services
Hospital/Medical Service Plan
Medical Services
Care Coordination / Retention in Care
Health Promotion - Monthly Special Events
Chronic Disease Management
Number of Employee
51-200 employees
621 - Ambulatory Health Care Services

FAQs about decision-makers at Amida Care

Where does Amida Care operate nowadays?

Amida Care operates in New York, New York.

What are the industries connected with Amida Care?

The industries connected with the company Amida Care are Insurance, Help Supply Services, and Hospital/Medical Service Plan.

What are the phones of the leaders of Amida Care?

The phones of the company Amida Care decision-makers are (***) ***-1800, (***) ***-9482 etc.

Who are the decision-makers in Amida Care?

The decision-makers of the company are Doug Wirth, James Cramer etc.

What are the professions of the main decision-makers in Amida Care?

The specialties of the company decision-makers are Chief Operating Officer or President and Chief Executive Officer etc.

What can be the alias of Amida Care?

The alias for the company Amida Care is Amida Care Inc.

What are the specialties of Amida Care?

The special fields connected with Amida Care are Care Coordination / Retention in Care, Health Promotion - Monthly Special Events, Chronic Disease Management, HIV/AIDS, and Behavioral Health