Vitasoy USA Inc.

Vitasoy USA Inc.

Ayer, MA

We have found contact information containing phone numbers and email addresses for Vitasoy Usa Inc. Vitasoy Usa Inc operates in the Food Production, Mfg Food Preparations Whol Groceries, Whol Groceries Mfg Food Preparations, Whol Groceries Mfg Food Preparations Soybean Oil Mill, and Packaged Frozen Food Merchant Whols industry and is located at 1 New England Way, Ayer, MA 01432. Thomas E. Ostek currently works in Vitasoy Usa Inc. The company was founded on 7/13/1990.

Company Details

Last Update
Jul 13, 2022
Doing business as
1 New England Way, Ayer, MA 01432
1 New England Way, Ayer, MA 01432
(***) ***-6880
(***) ***-6881
Food Production
Mfg Food Preparations Whol Groceries
Whol Groceries Mfg Food Preparations
Whol Groceries Mfg Food Preparations Soybean Oil Mill
Number of Employee
51-200 employees
5141 - Groceries, General Line
514101 - Food Products (Wholesale)
311 - Food Manufacturing

Decision Makers

Chief Executive Officer And President At Vitasoy Usa Inc
President & CEO


Owner, Consultant
Community Program Manager
Wastewater Manager
Manager, Global Social Media
Vice President Supply Chain Management
Food Production
Senior Fp And A Analyst
Regional Sales Manager West
Finance And Operations
Unh, Mba | Upenn, Bs Nursing

FAQs about Vitasoy USA Inc.

What are the main industries where Vitasoy Usa Inc operates?

The main industries of the company Vitasoy Usa Inc are Food Production, Mfg Food Preparations Whol Groceries, and Whol Groceries Mfg Food Preparations.

Who works in Vitasoy Usa Inc in the position of President?

Thomas E. Ostek works in the position of President in Vitasoy Usa Inc.

What are the phones of decision-makers Vitasoy Usa Inc?

You can find phones connected to PD in this list: (***) ***-6880, (***) ***-6881. For any additional information, contact us.

When was Vitasoy Usa Inc founded?

Vitasoy Usa Inc was founded on Jul 13, 1990.

What is the address of the company Vitasoy Usa Inc.?

Vitasoy Usa Inc is placed in Ayer, Massachusetts.

What can be the other name of Vitasoy Usa Inc?

The alias for Vitasoy Usa Inc is NASOYA FOODS INC.

What is the SIC code of Vitasoy Usa Inc?

The Standard Industrial Classification code of Vitasoy Usa Inc is 5141 ( Groceries, General Line ).

What is the SIC6 code of Vitasoy Usa Inc?

The SIC6 code of Vitasoy Usa Inc is 514101 ( Food Products (Wholesale) ).