Urban Habitat

Urban Habitat

Oakland, CA

We have found contact information containing phone numbers and email addresses for Urban Habitat. The industry of the company is Civic & Social Organization. Urban Habitat is based at 1212 Broadway SUITE 500, Oakland, CA 94612.

Company Details

Last Update
Jul 13, 2022
1212 Broadway SUITE 500, Oakland, CA 94612
Civic & Social Organization
Number of Employee
11-50 employees
813 - Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations

Decision Makers

Tameeka Bennett
Program Manager Of Equitable Development


Associate Director
Head Of Philanthropy, West Region
Director Of Fundraising
Deputy Director
Associate Vice President
Executive Director
Grants And Foundations Manager
Director Of Policy And Partnership

FAQs about Urban Habitat

In what industry does Urban Habitat operate?

As we have found, the main industry of Urban Habitat is Civic & Social Organization.

What is the current address of the Urban Habitat?

Urban Habitat is situated in Oakland, California.