Newisys - A Division of Sanmina Corporation

Newisys - A Division of Sanmina Corporation

We have found information with phone and email addresses about the company Newisys - A Division Of Sanmina Corporation. The company works in the Computer Hardware industry. This business is connected with these specialties: Data storage and servers, ODM / JDM / OEM / OTS, and Global manufacturing. Phone numbers, email addresses and other contact information for the company can be found on our website.

Company Details

Last Update
Jul 14, 2022
Computer Hardware
Data storage and servers
Global manufacturing
Number of Employee
10,001+ employees
332 - Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing

Decision Makers

Program Manager
Hardware Engineering Manager | Manfacturing Engineering Manager


Computer Hardware
Managing Director
Mechanical Systems Architect
Director R And D Hardware Engineering
Vice President World Wide Sales, Networking Software
North Andover, Massachusetts
Applications Manager For Business Analysts And Technical Writers
Svp, Viking Enterprise Solution
Asic Engineering Manager
Senior Business Analyst

FAQs about Newisys - A Division of Sanmina Corporation

What's the main industry where Newisys - A Division Of Sanmina Corporation operates?

As we have discovered, the main industry of Newisys - A Division Of Sanmina Corporation is Computer Hardware.

What are the fields for Newisys - A Division Of Sanmina Corporation?

The specialties for Newisys - A Division Of Sanmina Corporation are Data storage and servers, ODM / JDM / OEM / OTS, and Global manufacturing