Jefferson Bank of Missouri

Jefferson City, MO

We have found contact information containing phone numbers and email addresses for Jefferson Bank Of Missouri. Jefferson Bank Of Missouri operates in the Commercial Bank, State Commercial Bank Commercial Bank, State Commercial Bank, Bank Holding Company, and State Commercial Bank Security Broker/Dealer industry and is located at 700 SW Southwest Blvd, Jefferson City, MO 65109. The company uses products and components, such as Accounts, Banking Services, Bonds, Bookkeeping, and Brokerage Services. The company was founded on 11/1/1967.

Company Details

Last Update
Jul 14, 2022
Doing business as
Central Trust Bank
Central Bancompany, Inc
Central Bancompany
Jefferson Bank of Missouri Inc
700 SW Southwest Blvd, Jefferson City, MO 65109
238 Madison, Jefferson City, MO 65101
PO Box 779, Jefferson City, MO 65102
2815 W Truman Blvd, Jefferson City, MO 65109
(***) ***-0830
(***) ***-0860
(***) ***-0883
(***) ***-0800
Commercial Bank
State Commercial Bank Commercial Bank
State Commercial Bank
Bank Holding Company
Trust Companies
Investment Securities
Number of Employee
Banking Services
6022 - State Commercial Banks
671200 - Bank holding companies
522 - Credit Intermediation and Related Activities

Decision Makers

Executive Director, Director


Chief Human Resources Officer, Senior Vice President
Executive Vice President
Senior Vice President, Compliance
President And Chief Executive Officer
Executive Vice President/Chief Financial Officer/Chief Operating Officer
Managing Member

FAQs about Jefferson Bank of Missouri

What are the main industries where Jefferson Bank Of Missouri operates?

Jefferson Bank Of Missouri operates in the field of Commercial Bank, State Commercial Bank Commercial Bank, and State Commercial Bank.

Who works in Jefferson Bank Of Missouri in the position of Vice-President?

The Vice-President in Jefferson Bank Of Missouri is Sharon Lepage.

Are there any categories for Jefferson Bank Of Missouri?

The company is associated with the following categories: Trust Companies, Banks, and Investment Securities.

What are the phones of corporate Jefferson Bank Of Missouri?

The official phones of professionals, connected with Jefferson Bank Of Missouri may be in this list: (***) ***-0830, (***) ***-0860, (***) ***-0883. For any additional information, contact us.

When was Jefferson Bank Of Missouri founded?

Jefferson Bank Of Missouri was founded on 11/01/67.

Where can I find the company nowadays?

Jefferson Bank Of Missouri is placed in Jefferson City, Missouri.

What can be the alias of Jefferson Bank Of Missouri?

The alias for Jefferson Bank Of Missouri is Central Trust Bank.

What are the products of Jefferson Bank Of Missouri?

The products of Jefferson Bank Of Missouri are Accounts, Banking Services, Bonds, Bookkeeping, Brokerage Services, Business Accounts, Business Banking, Business Loans, Checking Accounts, and Commercial Loans.