Iowa Public Television

Iowa Public Television

Johnston, IA

We have found information with phone and email addresses about the company Iowa Public Television, based in PO Box 6450, Johnston, IA 50131, IA. The company works in the Broadcast Media industry. Phone numbers, email addresses and other contact information for the company and General Manager Daniel Miller can be found on our website.

Company Details

Last Update
Jul 13, 2022
Doing business as
Iowa Department of Education
Iowa Public Television
PO Box 6450, Johnston, IA 50131
6450 Corporate Dr, Camp Dodge, IA 50131
(***) ***-3100
(***) ***-4113
(***) ***-1290
Broadcast Media
Administrative Educational Programs
Government Contractors
State Government Offices
Television Stations
Number of Employee
51-200 employees
611 - Educational Services

Decision Makers

Broadcast Media
Assistant Director Of Engineering


Associate Director, Enterprise Instructional Technology
Social Media Strategist
Managing Director Of - Tpt
Producer And Director
Director Of Communications
Marketing Director
Video And Social Media Specialist
Senior Producer And Director
Business Affairs Manager

FAQs about Iowa Public Television

In which industries does Iowa Public Television operate?

Iowa Public Television's industries are Broadcast Media and Administrative Educational Programs.

Who works in Iowa Public Television in the position of General Manager?

General Manager is the job occupation of Daniel Miller in Iowa Public Television.

What are the phones of decision-makers Iowa Public Television?

You can find phones connected to this company in this list: (***) ***-3100, (***) ***-4113, (***) ***-1290. For any additional information, contact us.

What is the address of the company Iowa Public Television?

Iowa Public Television is located in Johnston, Iowa.

What is the other name of Iowa Public Television?

The alias for Iowa Public Television is Iowa Department of Education.