HealthSpring of Florida, Inc.

Miami, FL

We have found information with phone and email addresses about the company Healthspring Of Florida, Inc, based in 11401 SW 40Th St, Miami, FL 33165, FL. The company works in the Hospital & Health Care industry. Phone numbers, email addresses and other contact information for the company and Pharmacist Magalis Barrios can be found on our website.

Company Details

Last Update
Jul 14, 2022
11401 SW 40Th St, Miami, FL 33165
8600 NW 41 St, Miami, FL 33166
9009 Carothers Pkwy, Franklin, TN 37067
11501 SW 40 St, Miami, FL 33165
Hospital & Health Care
Health/Allied Services
Hospital/Medical Service Plan
Medical Doctor's Office
561 - Administrative and Support Services

Decision Makers

Chairman, Vice President
Director Of Operations, Director


Medical Coding Auditor
Managing Member
Chairman, CIO
Director Of Pharmacy, Director Of Pharmacy, Principal
CEO, Chairman
Chairman, CFO
Cheif Operating Officer
Director Information Technology

FAQs about HealthSpring of Florida, Inc.

What are the main industries where Healthspring Of Florida, Inc operates?

As we have found, the main industries of Healthspring Of Florida, Inc are Hospital & Health Care, Health/Allied Services, and Hospital/Medical Service Plan.

Who works in Healthspring Of Florida, Inc in the position of Pharmacist?

Magalis Barrios works in the position of Pharmacist in Healthspring Of Florida, Inc.

When was Healthspring Of Florida, Inc founded?

Healthspring Of Florida, Inc was founded on 06/12/01.

In what address or location can the company be found nowadays?

Healthspring Of Florida, Inc is situated in Miami, Florida.

What is the business type of Healthspring Of Florida, Inc?

The company type is Domestic for Profit Corporation.