Garces Memorial High School

Bakersfield, CA

We have found contact information containing phone numbers and email addresses for Garces Memorial High School. The industry of the company is Education Management. Garces Memorial High School is based at 2800 Loma Linda Dr, Bakersfield, CA 93305. The company uses products and components, such as Elementary, Private Schools, and Secondary Schools. John K. Ma currently works in Garces Memorial High School.

Company Details

Last Update
Jul 14, 2022
Doing business as
Diocese of Fresno Education Corporation
Garces Memorial High School
2800 Loma Linda Dr, Bakersfield, CA 93305
(***) ***-2578
(***) ***-2579
(***) ***-5427
Education Management
Elementary/Secondary School Eating Place
Elementary & Secondary Schools
Number of Employee
Private Schools
Secondary Schools
8211 - Elementary and Secondary Schools
821101 - Religious Schools
611 - Educational Services

Decision Makers

Director Of Advancement


Director Ii- Kern Integrated Data System
Director Of Campus Ministry
High School Science Teacher
Search Account Lead
Teaching Assistant
Certified Athletic Trainer
Associate Planner
Guidance Counselor, Cheerleading Coach
Director Of Public Relations

FAQs about Garces Memorial High School

What are the main industries where Garces Memorial High School operates?

Garces Memorial High School's industries are Education Management, Elementary/Secondary School Eating Place, and Elementary & Secondary Schools.

Who works in Garces Memorial High School in the position of Principal?

The Principal in Garces Memorial High School is John K. Ma.

What are the phones of corporate Garces Memorial High School?

You can find phones connected to PD in this list: (***) ***-2578, (***) ***-2579, (***) ***-5427. For any additional information, contact us.

What is the actual address of the Garces Memorial High School?

Garces Memorial High School is registered in Bakersfield, California.

What can be the other name of Garces Memorial High School?

The alias for Garces Memorial High School is Diocese of Fresno Education Corporation.

What are the products of Garces Memorial High School?

The products of Garces Memorial High School are Elementary, Private Schools, and Secondary Schools.

What is the SIC code of Garces Memorial High School?

The Standard Industrial Classification code of Garces Memorial High School is 8211 ( Elementary and Secondary Schools ).

What is the SIC6 code of Garces Memorial High School?

The SIC6 code of Garces Memorial High School is 821101 ( Religious Schools ).