FM Facility Maintenance

FM Facility Maintenance

Hartford, CT

We have found contact information containing phone numbers and email addresses for Fm Facility Maintenance. The industry of the company is Facilities Services.

Company Details

Last Update
Jul 14, 2022
10 Columbus Blvd, 4, Hartford, CT 06106
10 Columbus Blvd FL 4, Hartford, CT 06106
(***) ***-7400
(***) ***-7401
(***) ***-3276
Facilities Services
All Other Specialty Trade Contrs
Building Maintenance
Number of Employee
201-500 employees
7349 - Building Cleaning and Maintenance Services, Not Elsewhere
899910 - Actuaries
238 - Specialty Trade Contractors

Decision Makers

President And Chief Executive Officer


Purchasing Manager
Senior Director, Key Accounts
Facilities Services
Client Care Agent
Associate Marketing Manager
Executive Vice President
Regional Manager
Director Data Management
Senior Manager Of Operations
Client Account Associate

FAQs about FM Facility Maintenance

What are the main industries where Fm Facility Maintenance operates?

The main industries of the company Fm Facility Maintenance are Facilities Services and All Other Specialty Trade Contrs.

Who works in Fm Facility Maintenance in the position of Chief Operating Officer?

The Chief Operating Officer in Fm Facility Maintenance is Thomas Greenbaum.

What are the phones of corporate Fm Facility Maintenance?

You can find phones connected to PD in this list: (***) ***-7400, (***) ***-7401, (***) ***-3276. For any additional information, contact us.

In what address or location can the company be found nowadays?

Fm Facility Maintenance is located in Hartford, Connecticut.

What is the SIC code of Fm Facility Maintenance?

The Standard Industrial Classification code of Fm Facility Maintenance is 7349 ( Building Cleaning and Maintenance Services, Not Elsewhere ).

What is the SIC6 code of Fm Facility Maintenance?

The SIC6 code of Fm Facility Maintenance is 899910 ( Actuaries ).