Cleveland, OH

We have found contact information containing phone numbers and email addresses for Cose. Cose operates in the Nonprofit Organization Management industry and is located at 1240 Huron Rd, Cleveland, OH 44115. The company operates in the fields of small business, health insurance, workers compensation, small business support, and small business advocacy.

Company Details

Last Update
Jul 13, 2022
1240 Huron Rd, Cleveland, OH 44115
Nonprofit Organization Management
small business
health insurance
workers compensation
small business support
Number of Employee
51-200 employees
813 - Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations

Decision Makers

Vp, Marketing And Sales At Cose
Owner And Vice President


Content Manager
Market Development Executive
Senior Vice President, Strategic Initiatives And Engagement
Part-Time Supervisor And Flow Controller
Reegt Emu
Mike O'Donnell
Workers' Compensation Director
Patient Care Navigator, Special Projects
Director Of Marketing
Summer Legal Intern
Administrative Assistant

FAQs about COSE

In what industry does Cose operate?

The main industry of the company Cose is Nonprofit Organization Management.

What are the specialties of Cose?

The fields connected with Cose are small business, health insurance, workers compensation, small business support, and small business advocacy

What is the actual location of the Cose?

The address of the company Cose is Cleveland, Ohio.