Russann Stacy Anderson

Owner and Director

We found the following information about Russann Stacy Anderson at Kumon, where this professional has worked as a Owner and Director since 2003. Russann's total work experience is over nine years, during which time this professional had at least five jobs at different companies to develop professional skills. Russann studied at the University of Texas at Dallas from 2000 to 2003. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma is the place where the professional currently lives. You can contact with Russann by searching for phone or email or get full information by requesting access to this expert's details.
Name variants:
Russann Anderson

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jun 22, 2022
Oklahoma City, OK


Owner and Director

Bountiful, UT


Educational Svcs, School/Educational Services

Work History

Owner and Director

55 Challenger Rd, Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660
Kumon is the world's largest after-school math and reading enrichment program and one of the most established franchise businesses in the world — with more than 300,000 students enrolled and...
from Oct 2003

Vp, Branch Operations

2000 — 2003

Avp, Lead Business Analyst

2000 — 2000

Avp, Senior Branch Manager

7815 northwest 148Th Street Rd, Miami Lakes, FL 33186
1999 — 2000

Vp, Regional Service Manager

100 north Tryon St, Charlotte, NC 28202
1994 — 1999


Vice President
Chief Executive
Operations Manager


Staff Development
Strategic Planning
Curriculum Development
Customer Service
Strategic Thinking
Small Business
Lesson Planning
Human Resources

FAQs about Russann Stacy Anderson

What is the profession of Russann Stacy Anderson?

This professional's job is Owner and Director

What are the main profession of Russann Stacy Anderson?

These person's professions are Executive and Owner

Where is Russann Stacy Anderson currently located?

Russann Stacy Anderson is currently located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Does Russann have the email address?

ru** is Russann Stacy Anderson's email address.

How many companies did Russann Stacy Anderson work at?

The professional worked at five jobs.

Where has Russann Stacy Anderson studied?

Russann studied at the University of Texas at Dallas from 2000 to 2003.

Are there any industries, that Russann Stacy Anderson is connected to?

This professional works in Education Management industry.

Are there any professional skills, that Russann Stacy Anderson has?

Russann has the following skills: Staff Development, Strategic Planning, Tutoring, Curriculum Development, Teaching, Customer Service, Strategic Thinking, Marketing, Admissions, and Small Business.