Neekol Dalton

Managing Director

We found the following information about Neekol Dalton at Polaris Laboratories, where this professional has worked as a Human Resources Manager since 2018. Neekol's total work experience is over 20 years, during which time Neekol had at least eight jobs at different companies to develop skills. Neekol studied at the Indiana Tech from 2009 to 2013. This person has the certification in Osha Neekol Dalton currently is located in Indianapolis, Indiana. You can contact with Neekol by searching for phone or email or get full info by requesting access to this expert's further details from Connexy.
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Neekol Dalton

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 10, 2022
Indianapolis, IN


POLARIS Laboratories
Human Resources Manager

Indianapolis, IN


Oil & Energy

Work History

Human Resources Manager

7451 Winton Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46268
Department head for global laboratory Human Resources Department. Oversee 220+ employees in 6 countries. Primary tasks include: recruitment, hiring and retention of skilled and qualified e...
from Apr 2018

Human Resources Manager

Responsibilities Oversaw and drove all aspects of human resources activities in Midwest (two plants and three distribution centers) with a focus on, Employee Engagement, Safety and Employe...
May 2015 — Mar 2017

Human Resources Director

1950 west Cook Rd SUITE 101, Fort Wayne, IN 46818
Responsibilities Maintain and enhance the organization's human resources by planning, implementing, and evaluating employee relations and human resources policies, programs, and practices....
Mar 2014 — Mar 2015

Human Resources and Safety Manager

Responsible for organization's HR functions in three locations (Fort Wayne, Indianapolis and Warsaw, IN), including: Recruitment (sourcing, interviewing and hiring) Onboarding, Employee Re...
Nov 2011 — Mar 2014

Human Resources Director

Established Human Resources Department, including writing & enforcing all Policies & Procedures, disciplinary action, orientation, etc. Conducted annual review of Committee Heads to ensure m...
Jan 2006 — Nov 2010

Managing Director

Responsibilities Oversee all operational activities for the organization, with a primary focus on high level Objectives and Key Results. Identify opportunities to streamline business process...
from Jul 2010

Branch Operations Manager

300 Executive Pkwy west, Hudson, OH 44236
Responsibilities Manage daily operations of the branch. Responsibilities included leading all warehouse, delivery operations, inside sales, order entry, customer service, accounting, and i...
May 2007 — Jul 2010

Administration Manager

Managed all aspects of Human Resources including payroll, health insurance, supplemental insurance, 401k and training. Supervised all aspects of in-house accounting including A/R, A/P, Purch...
Jan 2000 — Apr 2007


2009 — 2013
1991 — 1993
1988 — 1991


Chief Executive Officer
HR Specialist
Employee Relations Manager
Department Manager
Human Resources Specialist
Corporate Executive
Chief Executive
Employee Relations Specialist
Labor Relations Specialist
Department Supervisor
Operations Manager


Human Resources
Employee Relations
Customer Service
Team Building
New Hire Orientations
Performance Management
Time Management
Talent Acquisition
Employee Training
Microsoft Office
Strategic Planning
Process Improvement
Organizational Development
Personnel Management
Inventory Management
Team Leadership
Talent Management
Employee Engagement
Performance Appraisal
New Business Development
Leadership Development
Contract Negotiation
Benefits Administration
Operations Management
Supervisory Skills
Problem Solving
Continuous Improvement

FAQs about Neekol Dalton

What's the profession of Neekol Dalton?

This professional's job is Managing Director

What jobs is Neekol Dalton a professional at?

Neekol is a professional Executive and Chief Executive Officer jobs.

Where does Neekol Dalton currently live?

Neekol Dalton lives in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Where did Neekol Dalton work?

Neekol worked at Polaris Laboratories, Techo-Bloc.

Where has Neekol Dalton studied?

Neekol studied at the Indiana Tech from 2009 to 2013.

Are there any certifications, that Neekol Dalton has?

The expert received the following certifications: Osha.

Are there any professional industries Neekol Dalton works in?

This professional works in Human Resources industry.

What are special skills of Neekol Dalton?

Neekol Dalton has the following skills: Human Resources, Employee Relations, Recruiting, Training, Leadership, Management, Payroll, Customer Service, Team Building, New Hire Orientations, and Interviews.