Joseph Hull

Store Manager

We found the following information about Joseph Hull at Wild Sales, Llc, where this professional has worked as a Sales Coordinator since 2017. Joseph's total work experience is over 12 years, during which time the professional had at least eight jobs at different companies to develop professional skills. Joseph attended school at the American Broadcasting School - Tulsa from 2007 to 2008. Joseph Hull can be found in Westfield, Indiana – where this expert currently lives. You can search for the person's email address and phone number. We can also provide you detailed contact information upon request.
Name variants:
Jozeph Hull, Joe Hull, Joey Hull, Jo Hull, Jos Hull, Jody Hull, Guiseppe Hull, Sepp Hull

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Last Update
Jul 7, 2022
Westfield, IN


Sales Coordinator


Consumer Goods

Work History

Sales Coordinator

from Aug 2017

General Merchandise Manager

2101 southeast Simple Savings Dr, Bentonville, AR
Sam Walton opened the first Sam's Club in 1983 to meet a growing need among customers who wanted to buy merchandise in bulk. Since then, Sam's Club has grown rapidly, opening more than 600 c...
Mar 2016 — Aug 2017

Merchandise Assistant

2101 southeast Simple Savings Dr, Bentonville, AR
I am part of the team that supports the produce departments in all 600+ Sam’s Clubs. In my role, I provide assistance to the buying team by running and analyzing sales on items, profit and l...
Sep 2013 — Mar 2016

Customer Service Representative

Assisting customers with issues regarding invoices, status of their accounts and unclaimed property. Propery reporting and escalating to the appropriate people to best assist our customers.
Aug 2011 — Sep 2013

Data Analyst

5100 Legacy Dr, Plano, TX 75024
Researching and reporting data from various locations in order for our customers to know the status of their merchandise within the retail environment. Provide feedback on displays and locat...
Oct 2010 — Jun 2011


2101 southeast Simple Savings Dr, Bentonville, AR
Human Resources, such as writing evaluations, hiring, disciplining up to and including termination. Managing the front end and other areas as needed. Providing proactive assistance to member...
Apr 2007 — Sep 2010


3308 north Mitthoeffer Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46229
Assist the store in whichever area they need it, such as working the sales floor, breaking down shipments and providing superior customer service while making the sales quotas.
Sep 2006 — Jul 2008

Store Manager

500 Volvo Pkwy, Chesapeake, VA 23320



Shop Manager
Sales Specialist
Sales Coordinator
Merchandise Team Manager
Sales Manager
Sales Team Member
Sales Representative


Time Management
Customer Service
Microsoft Office
Retail Sales
Human Resources
Microsoft Excel
Inventory Control
Inventory Management
Microsoft Word
Store Management
Team Building
Visual Merchandising

FAQs about Joseph Hull

What is the main profession of Joseph Hull?

The expert is a Store Manager.

What jobs is Joseph a professional at?

Joseph is a professional Executive and Shop Manager jobs.

Where does Joseph Hull currently live?

Westfield, Indiana is the place where Joseph Hull currently lives

Does the expert have the email address?

jo** is Joseph's email address.

How many companies did Joseph Hull work at?

The professional worked at eight jobs.

What education does Joseph Hull have?

Joseph studied at the American Broadcasting School - Tulsa from 2007 to 2008.

Are there any special industries, that Joseph Hull works in?

Joseph Hull works in Retail industry.

What are professional skills of Joseph Hull?

Joseph Hull has skills in the following areas: Management, Time Management, Retail, Sales, Customer Service, Microsoft Office, Retail Sales, Human Resources, Microsoft Excel, Forecasting, and Inventory Control.