Nadel - Architecture + Planning

Nadel - Architecture + Planning

Los Angeles, CA

We have found information with phone and email addresses about the company Nadel - Architecture+ Planning, based in 1990 S Bundy Dr SUITE 400, Los Angeles, CA 90025, CA. The company works in the Architecture & Planning industry. This business is connected with these specialties: Retail, Office & Commercial, Mixed-Use & Planning, Civic & Cultural, and Education. Phone numbers, email addresses and other contact information for the company can be found on our website.

Company Details

Last Update
Jul 14, 2022
1990 S Bundy Dr SUITE 400, Los Angeles, CA 90025
Architecture & Planning
Office & Commercial
Mixed-Use & Planning
Civic & Cultural
Number of Employee
51-200 employees
811 - Repair and Maintenance

Decision Makers

Senior Project Lead
Principal And Division Director


Senior Project Manager
Senior Vice President Of Cultivation Operations
Brant Gordon
Principal At Brant Gordon, Architect
President And Chief Executive Officer
Project Accounting Manager
Real Estate
Dan Giffin
Business Development Director
Associate Vice President
Owner, President
Marketing Manager, Southern California Region

FAQs about Nadel - Architecture + Planning

What's the main industry where Nadel - Architecture+ Planning operates?

As we have found, the main industry of Nadel - Architecture+ Planning is Architecture & Planning.

What are the specialties of Nadel - Architecture+ Planning?

The specialties for Nadel - Architecture+ Planning are Retail, Office & Commercial, Mixed-Use & Planning, Civic & Cultural, and Education

Where is Nadel - Architecture+ Planning`s office currently situated?

The address of the company Nadel - Architecture+ Planning is Los Angeles, California.